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Congratulations Jeff Martin, Dave Henderson and Lisa Richford

Updated: Nov 9, 2019

Our condolences to our fellow Republicans and Taxpayers of Hamilton and Mercer County. We are not affiliated with the Mercer County Republican Committee, as the current state of the committee has abandoned its allegiance to Republican values and efforts (which is a requirement for membership as per its constitution). It maybe possible for the MCRC secretary to salvage and rebuild what is left of the organization. At this time, there are more actual Republicans that have been driven out or fled the MCRC than is part of Lisa Richford's neglected and crippled organization. The priority of the MCRC has switched from securing qualified candidates to run against democrats, to actually colluding with them and their interests, (against our duly elected Mayor of Hamilton). The only other activity of the MCRC has been engaged in would be filling job appointments and seeking a judgeship through the Murphy administration. There has not been a phone number in many years, and no working website in well over a year for the MCRC that is needed for an organization to function, So none is included here for interested parties to contact anyone that can resurrect the MCRC. (updated 11-06-19)

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